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China motor energy efficiency to be improved
More than 80% more efficient than foreign advanced electrical products low levels 2 to 3 percentage points, experts recommend to improve China's motor system energy efficiency.
"As the field of electrical energy authoritative international conference, the Global Forum motor system energy efficiency first time this year the meeting place at China, indicating that China Electric energy situation is attention of the world." At the forum held yesterday, the International Copper Association of energy efficiency projects worldwide project director Zhou Sheng expressed.
Currently in China, the electrical power consumption accounts for about 60% of national electricity consumption, small motor motor power accounted for 75% of the country. In Zhou Sheng opinion, Chinese motor system energy savings there is a huge potential to enhance and improve the energy efficiency of small motors, industrial terminal equipment, energy saving is an important aspect.
China will become the world's largest motor and motor system components production base, improve China motor system energy efficiency is not only beneficial to the Chinese economy, but also conducive to the international market for sustainable energy supply.
Zhou Sheng introduced in 2020 if China all use efficiency motors, can reduce annual emissions of 20.8 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and 78.09 million tons of sulfur dioxide.
NDRC Energy Research Institute for Renewable Energy Development Center Deputy Director Song Yanqin suggested yesterday that the state should accelerate the introduction of related policy incentives and penalties initiatives, so that enterprises in the use of the motor must weigh its energy efficiency.
Source "China Fastener Supply Network"